Electro mechanical Operated Three Roll Single Pre Pinch Linear Axis Bending or Rolling Machine

(Model No. 3R-SP----LAEM)


The machine is most economical model among all plate bending machine and is most useful for small fabrication shop. Both pre bending and rolling can be done in the same machine.

  • Capacity range: 2500 width x 16 mm
  • Bottom roll up down movement for clamping: Manual
  • Side roll up down movement for radius forming: Motorized
  • Roll rotation: Motorized


  • Suitable for both pre bending and rolling application
  • Specially developed low cost economical manual operated machine with motorized roll rotation, a perfect machine for engineering work shop
  • Since all rolls are mounted in roller bearings the electrical consumption is less by 50% compared to conventional pyramid type machine with bush bearings.
  • User can be small engineering workshop willing to invest less still automate rolling.
  • Open type rolling requiring mass production qty.

Special Features

The machine frame is built from all tested steel plate material. This frame is subjected to stress reliving, sand blasting and epoxy primer painted for corrosion free long lasting machine life. The complete frame is machined in CNC machine to achieve built in accuracy.

All our machine rolls are mounted in heavy duty roller bearings. Each roller is fitted with two bearing per side (four bearing per roller).

Both bottom roll clamping and side roll up down movements are through hand wheel rotation.

A digital roll position indicator is is provided to ascertain side roll position and there by rolling diameter.

The main panel start / stop buttons and roll rotation fucntion (Reverse / forward) is provided on Machine frame itself.

Both the top roll and bottom rolls are driven by separate gear box and motor directly mounted On roller shaft.

Standard Featues

  • Both the bottom rolls are driven rolls
  • All rolls are manufactured in alloy steel material
  • Separate digital roll position meter for each side of roll makes it easy to maintain parallelism between top and bottom roll
  • Manually operated drop end frame tilting for ease of job removal

Optional Featues

  • All 3 rolls positively driven for thin material rolling
  • Hardened rolls up to 52-55 RC
  • Tilt able top roll for ease of removal of duly rolled shells
  • Cone bending arrangement between bottom rolls for smaller diameter cone rolling
  • Extra heavy cone bending arrangement on frame for bigger diameter cone rolling
  • Magnetic base electrical pendant for all around access to operator
  • PLC controls for automatic bending and rolling
  • Extended shaft for section rolling die mounting for rolling of section like angle, channel, beams, flats, pipes, bar etc.
  • Sinking type reference plate for initial reference while feeding the plate inside the machine.
  • Feeder table